Retirement planning tips

State pension age

The state pension age is changing. This could affect how early you are able to claim your state pension and, in some cases, will mean that you may need to work for longer.

With this in mind, financial planning for retirement is essential to get a measure of your income, expenditure, state pension and personal pension funds, as well as considering any pension schemes provided by your current or previous employer(s).


Your employers pension scheme and automatic pension enrolment

Every UK employer that has more than one employee is responsible for automatically enrolling all its eligible employees into a workplace pension. This can be a great opportunity to boost your retirement savings, benefitting from your employer and the Government also putting in money.

Where automatic enrolment into a pension is available:

Your employer is required by law to contribute at least 3% of your earnings.

The minimum total contribution you and your employer will make is 8% (as of April 2019).

Your personal pension

You can also use the Retirement Living Standards information produced by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association to help you to picture what kind of lifestyle you could have in retirement.

Evaluate your health

When you are reviewing your pension and retirement options, it is important to consider your current health and lifestyle, as well as any age-related illnesses. This may have an impact on your decision about when to retire and the necessities that you will need to put in place to maintain your health during your retirement years. It is therefore important to:

Retirement planning tools

Planning for retirement

It is never too late to start planning for retirement.

Making decisions about your finances can feel daunting, but preparation will allow you to confidently step into an enjoyable retirement.