We understand that you expect and deserve excellent service from us at all times, and that’s why we’re constantly looking at ways we can improve.
We’d like to tell you about some of the initiatives we’re taking to ensure that we always meet – and hopefully exceed – your expectations. Please click on the links below to find out more.
Treating you fairly
We are fully committed to treating you fairly, both in the way we manage your policy and in the way we deal with you. We will always aim to:
- offer you security and opportunities for investment growth;
- set the industry standard in the way we manage your policy;
- deal with you honestly, openly, competently and with integrity;
- make decisions based on a proper understanding of your needs; and
- help you get the most from your relationship with us
This aligns with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulatory requirements on ‘Treating Customers Fairly’. For more information, please visit the FCA’s website.
Listening to your views
At Phoenix Life, we are committed to providing a high quality service built around the needs of our customers. However, we can only achieve this with your help. That’s why we are listening to what our customers are saying: continuously monitoring and acting on customer complaints, and conducting extensive customer research.
Customer research
Our research programme helps us to listen to our customers in a variety of different ways: including focus groups, face-to-face meetings and in-depth telephone interviews.
The Phoenix customer community
At the end of 2015 we created a Customer Community which is a group of our customers that give us direct feedback on a range of topics. We want to keep the balance right, we are keen to listen and learn what is important to you without bombarding you with surveys throughout the year.
We are committed to better understanding our customers so your feedback is extremely valuable to us as it helps us shape our processes and communications to make them better for you. Some of the improvements we have made this year following your feedback and what we are doing in the future, include:
- Making the wording in our retirement communications clearer and we will continue to make further improvements in the future.
- Putting more information on our website rather than sending you lots of technical information in the post.
- Rather than just have a written retirements process, we have introduced an online facility that enables some of you to choose your retirement options online.
- Introducing the use of email so in the future you will be able to contact us quicker and easier.
- Improving the annual statements to ensure they contain more key information that will be of interest to you. We are also considering the layout to see if information can be displayed in a more helpful way.
Interested in having your say?
If you are interested in joining our Customer Community, our research partners, Gusto Research manage the customer community with us. Please share any thoughts, ideas or suggestions you have at any time by emailing us on:
- You will be asked to complete a small number of telephone or email surveys each year.
- You will be invited to take part in face-to-face focus groups or in-depth interviews. You don’t have to take part in these if you don’t wish to, however there will be a cash incentive acknowledging your time.
- You will receive an email or letter every now and again to keep you up to date on what we are doing with your valuable feedback.
If you are one of our many customers that has taken part in any aspect of our research programme – thank you! Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us make improvements to the experience and outcomes of all of our customers.
As a customer what should I expect if I am asked to take part in customer research?
Phoenix Life customers are approached by the customer research company by telephone, to introduce their company. They will explain that they are working on behalf of Phoenix Life which can be validated by calling Louise Cummings-Page on 0203 567 9334. The research company will also explain what the aim of the research is, and how long it will take.
Communicating clearly
We believe all our communications with you should be clear and easy to understand.
We always try to ensure that all our communications are to-the-point and:
- are clear, fair and are not misleading;
- avoid jargon where possible and explain technical terms;
- provide contact details;
- inform you of what to do next;
- tell you where to go for further information, and
- provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.
Of course, from time to time, we need to use financial terms that you may not be familiar with. However, we’ve produced a financial glossary to help explain any terms you may not understand. All our communications are available in large print, Braille and audio and our website conforms to current equality and disability legislation. We have also made sure we have readable signs in the reception areas of our registered and head offices.
Our sustainability vision
We aim to provide the right products, solutions and services to our customers to help them enjoy a secure financial future.
Future aspirations
- Be a trusted guide to our customers through all stages of their financial lifecycle.
- Develop our proposition to remain relevant to customers, by understanding their needs.
- Provide customers with information to understand the Environmental and Social Governance value of their financial investment with Phoenix Life.
- Extend the Environmental and Social Governance content within our product range.
For more information on our Environmental and Social Governance visit Phoenix Group.