You can leave your pension pot invested and take an income from it or amounts as and when you need them. A quarter of your pension pot can usually be taken tax-free and any other withdrawals will be taxed when you take them as income or as lump sums. You can usually access your pension savings from age 55 (rising to 57 from April 2028).

This option gives you flexibility to use your pension savings as and when you need. You can choose other retirement income products, such as a guaranteed income, in the future.

You can choose how your money is invested. Most providers offer something called Investment Pathway Funds. It’s a ready-made investment option that simplifies your decision of how to invest your remaining pension pot after you’ve taken your tax-free lump sum.

You can choose from one of four investment options that best match your retirement goals:

  • You don't want to touch your savings for at least 5 years
  • You want to set up a guaranteed annuity in the next 5 years
  • You want to start taking a long-term income in the next 5 years
  • You plan to take all your money in the next 5 years

Income from these funds isn't guaranteed for life, but they do give you the flexibility to change the income you take, or to switch to other retirement products later on.

How do I set up a flexible income?

Some pension plans directly offer this option, but you may need to transfer to a new pension plan if your current plan doesn't offer this. You can choose any pension provider and we recommend you shop around for the right one for you. Our Guide to pension help and advice has more information on the help available to you.

Many Phoenix Life plans don’t directly offer flexible access and you may want to consider transferring to an Active Money Personal Pension with Standard Life. Like Phoenix Life, they're part of Phoenix Group, and have years of experience helping customers with their life savings.


What are the benefits of transferring to the Standard Life Active Money Personal Pension?

Before you decide, here are some things to consider

Check the details of your policy

You can find all the information you need about your current Phoenix pension in your retirement pack.

If you don't have a retirement pack, you can request one online, or contact our customer services team.