How we help to protect you

The security of your personal information is our priority, here are some of the key measures we take.


How you can help protect yourself

Whilst we take all reasonable steps to ensure our websites are secure we strongly advise you to take additional precautions.


If you can, set your software to update automatically.

  • Operating system: Installing the regular software updates brings a number of benefits, from fixing critical security flaws to improving the usability and performance of your computer or device.
  • Internet browser: Browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox offer the latest encryption technology to help keep you secure when you’re online.
  • Anti-virus and anti-spyware software: Anti-virus software helps to protect your computer from viruses; these can be transmitted by visiting a malicious website, downloading files or by opening email attachments. Anti-spyware software helps to prevent spyware and other malware infecting your computer.
  • Both your anti-virus and anti-spyware software should be set up to automatically do regular scans of your computer or device, including scanning any incoming files. If your computer or device gets a virus you may inadvertently pass this on to friends, family or colleagues.

Firewall – Making sure your firewall is on will help block any unauthorised access between your computer and the internet, with most operating systems you simply need to turn the firewall on.

Username and password – If you are eligible and registered for MyPhoenix, your MyPhoenix username and password are strictly for you, allowing you to review your policy values, update your personal information and much more. Never reveal your username or password to anyone else. If you must write passwords down in order to remember them, encrypt them in a way that is familiar to you but makes them indecipherable by others.

Wireless networks – If you use a wireless network to go online, ensure you secure your network and any connected devices by changing the default administration ID and password using your user guide. Change your wireless network name and check it is secure by looking for a padlock symbol when connecting. And don’t forget to use a strong password, i.e. one that can’t easily be guessed or commonly used but is at least 8 characters and contains a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. 

If your wireless network is unsecured, anyone can use it and potentially access any sensitive information you are sending or receiving. All wireless connections need to be password protected using secure encryption. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security standard for computing devices with wireless internet connections. We recommend using WPA, or a later version.

Public and shared computers or devices – Always try to use your own private computer or mobile device for any financial transactions or tasks that may reveal personal information. Avoid computers that are in internet cafes, libraries or public places, if this isn’t possible it’s very important to make sure the shared computer has an up to date firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware software.

Ensure you’re not overlooked, don’t leave any computers or devices where others can easily access them, make sure that you lock them when you are not using them and log out of any websites you have used.


Contacting you

Cold calling relating to pensions is illegal, but fraudsters may try to contact you. If you receive a call claiming to be from Phoenix Life requesting that you provide personal or financial information, you need to stop and consider whether the request is genuine. Even if the number looks genuine call back on a trusted number from a statement, policy document or this website, do not use any number given by the caller.

Please be alert to pension scams, pension scammers target pension pots of all sizes, relying on deception, scammers can be articulate and financially knowledgeable, with authentic looking websites, customer testimonials and advertising that looks genuine.

Scammers will design attractive offers to lure you in; downplaying the risks to your money to try and persuade you to transfer your pension pot to them or to release funds from it.

If you are concerned about any contact you have received regarding your policy, please contact us immediately.


Other information

For further information on any of the above and other useful information visit the links below: