A pension is a long-term investment. Its value can go down as well as up and could be worth less than was paid in. Laws and tax rules may change in the future. Your own circumstances and where you live in the UK will also have an impact on tax treatment.

Check to see if your pension is on track

Our pensions calculator will help you to understand the estimated future value of your personal pension savings and if you're on track for the lifestyle you want after you stop working.

Find out:

  • The projected value of your retirement savings
  • If you're saving enough to meet your retirement goals
  • If you have any shortfall

You'll need:

  • An estimate of the current value of your pension pots
  • How much you pay into your pension
  • The age you plan to access your money

This tool is for use if you have a Defined Contribution pension.

This tool is for illustrative purposes only and the information provided from it should be used as guide only. We are unable to provide financial advice and neither this tool nor the results it provides should be considered financial advice. We recommend that you speak to a financial adviser before making any decisions related to your pension savings.

Pension calculator

You must be at least 16 and at least one year away from receiving your state pension. This tool is not suitable for people who are living within a year of, or receiving their Single-Tier State Pension.
Your salary must be greater than £1000 to a maximum of £1,000,000
Please confirm your gender Gender To establish when you will receive the Single-Tier State Pension
Select your gender

What sort of retirement lifestyle would you like?  

  • More limited 60%
  • More moderate 70%
  • Current lifestyle 80%
  • More options 90%
  • More prosperous 100%

Based on the research, to maintain you may need 50.00% of your final salary before tax. This may give you approximately £NaN a year at retirement (in today's money terms). You may want more or less than this.

Please select yes or no before continuing Do you have any existing pensions?
Do you have any existing pension funds?  
The fund value must be between £1000 and £1,000,000 You can contact your pension provider for a current value, look at your last annual statement or an estimate will do.
The total of your payments that are eligible for tax relief cannot exceed 100% of your salary. You may be subject to additional tax charges if you pay over the annual allowance into your pension plans in a tax year, this tool does not take account of this tax charge. close
Please enter a valid number You may be subject to additional tax charges if you pay over the annual allowance into your pension plans in a tax year, this tool does not take account of this tax charge.close
Do you have pension income payable from a company pension?  

The chart shows how close you are to meeting your goals.

Change the values below and see the impact these changes could have on your retirement income.

The total of your payments that are eligible for tax relief cannot exceed 100% of your salary. You may be subject to additional tax charges if you pay over the annual allowance into your pension plans in a tax year, this tool does not take account of this tax charge. close
Please enter a valid number You may be subject to additional tax charges if you pay over the annual allowance into your pension plans in a tax year, this tool does not take account of this tax charge. close
Please enter a valid number, the fund value must be between £1,000 and £999,999 The total of your payments that are eligible for tax relief cannot exceed 100% of your salary. The one-off payment plus 12 months of regular payments can not add up to more than your salary.
Please enter a valid number, the age must be between 55 and 74 Your retirement age cannot be below or equal to your current age.
Please enter a valid number, your target retirement income must be greater than £1000
Include single-tier state pension?  

What you plan to do

  • Your target income is £NaN each year when you retire at age
  • We have assumed full Single-Tier State Pension of £9,110 each year from
  • Any future payments into a pension and any existing pensions you've entered will provide £0 each year from


Your pension details will be shown here



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