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Please tell us who previously provided your policy
To make sure we give you the correct information about how to manage your policy, please tell us who it was with before it was transferred to Phoenix Life.
This will make sure the information you see is accurate for your policy.
If you can't see your previous provider on the list then you can check your policy is available by entering your plan / policy number.
If you're not sure who your policy was with before us, that's ok. We can help you find your previous pension provider
Choose your policy provider
To find the contact details for our customer centre team responsible for your policy, please choose the name of the company your policy was with before it became part of Phoenix Life, e.g Allianz Cornhill, from the dropdown.
Abbey LifeAlba Life - individual policy holderAlba Life - member of a group personal pension or buyout schemeAlba Life - pension scheme trusteeAlba Life Irish (now with SLIntl)Allianz CornhillBeacon Insurance CompanyBlack Sea and Baltic General Insurance CompanyBlackburn AssuranceBlackburn Philanthropic Burial SocietyBradford Insurance Company - EndowmentsBradford Insurance Company - PensionsBristol West of England and South Wales Friendly Collecting SocietyBritannia LifeBritannicBritannic AssuranceBritannic Money Investment ServicesBritannic Retirement SolutionsBritannic Unit Linked AssuranceBritish Legal Life Assurance CompanyCentury LifeCity of Birmingham Friendly SocietyCity of Edinburgh Life Assurance CompanyColonial Life Insurance Company (UK)Consumers Life Insurance CompanyCredit & Commerce Life AssuranceCrescent LifeCrown Assurance CompanyCrusader InsuranceEbor Phoenix Assurance CompanyEquico InternationalEvergreen Retirement AssuranceForeman & Staff Mutual Benefit SocietyFS AssuranceGlobe Insurance CompanyGrowth & Secured Life Assurance SocietyHiscox Insurance CompanyLamont Life Assurance CompanyLangham Life Assurance CompanyLaw Union & Rock Insurance CompanyLegal & GeneralLife Association of ScotlandLiverpool London & Globe Insurance CompanyLloyds Life AssuranceLondon AssuranceLondon LifeLoyal Endeavour Friendly SocietyMutual Life AssuranceNational Australia Life CompanyNational Employers Life Assurance CompanyNational Friendly Collecting SocietyNEL Britannia Assurance CompanyNorthern RockNPI and National Provident Life - transferred to PLL in March 2012NPI and National Provident Life - transferred to PLL in June 2015Old Mutual Life Assurance CompanyOxford Life Assurance CompanyPapilioPearl AssurancePFM AssurancePhoenix & London AssurancePhoenix AssurancePhoenix Life & Pensions LimitedPhoenix Life Assurance Europe (now with SLIntl)Pioneer Life Assurance CompanyPioneer Mutual Insurance CompanyPreston PhilanthropicProlific Life & PensionsProperty GrowthProsperity Financial ServicesProsperity Life AssuranceProvidence Capitol Life Assurance CompanyProvincial Life AssuranceProvincial PensionsRoyal & Sun AllianceRoyal & Sun Alliance Irish (now with SLIntl)Royal Co-operativeRoyal Heritage Life AssuranceRoyal Insurance (1968 Fund)Royal Insurance CompanyRoyal LifeScottish MutualScottish ProvidentScottish TemperanceSentinel LifeShield AssuranceStamford Mutual Insurance CompanySun AllianceSun Life Financial of CanadaSwiss Life (UK)Swiss Life Irish (now with SLIntl)Swiss Pioneer LifeUK Life Assurance CompanyUnit Assurance CompanyNo Results Found
Don’t know who your previous policy provider was? Find policy provider
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