Investing to support your future

At Phoenix Life, responsible investing is first and foremost about helping you to achieve your retirement goals. Our priority is always to aim to give you a good financial outcome in the long term. At the same time, we’ll look at other factors we know you might want and expect us to look out for on your behalf.

What is responsible investing?

Responsible investing means considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when deciding where to invest money. At a high level, it’s looking at how a company is managing ESG risks and opportunities and how that could affect its performance over the long term.

Why does this matter? We believe it can lead to better financial outcomes for our customers and may help to support wider change.

What are ESG factors?

How a company manages (or doesn’t manage) these areas can impact its financial performance. And, in turn, that can affect how much value it could add or remove from your pension pot.

That's why investment managers may consider ESG risks and opportunities when they decide where to invest your pension money. They may also encourage companies to maintain high ESG standards going forward, this is known as stewardship.

Encouraging better consideration of ESG risks and opportunities to aim to improve financial outcomes, may also help to drive positive change in the wider world.