Pearl Pensions UK Equity

Illustration 1

Phoenix Pearl Pens UK Equity SHP

The typical scheme member for this illustration is based on

  • Current age 40
  • Starting pension pot of £10,000
  • Retirement age 65
  • No ongoing payments
Year Before Charges After Charges
1 £10,200 £10,100
3 £10,700 £10,400
5 £11,300 £10,700
10 £12,800 £11,600
15 £14,400 £12,400
20 £16,400 £13,400
25 £18,500 £14,400

Illustration 2

Phoenix Pearl Pens UK Equity SHP

The typical scheme member for this illustration is based on

  • Current age 40
  • Starting pension pot of £10,000
  • Retirement age 65
  • Ongoing total contributions of £100 per month
Year Before Charges After Charges
1 £11,300 £11,200
3 £14,300 £13,900
5 £17,300 £16,600
10 £25,200 £23,300
15 £33,500 £30,000
20 £42,500 £36,800
25 £52,300 £43,700

For all the above illustrations:

Ongoing Charges
Phoenix Pearl Pens UK Equity SHP: 0.9739%

Transaction Costs:
Phoenix Pearl Pens UK Equity SHP: 0.0571%

Growth Rates:
Gross Growth Rate: 4.5571%

  • Values are not guaranteed
  • Projected values are shown in today's terms and do not need to be reduced further for the effect of inflation
  • Inflation is assumed to be 2.00% each year
  • Premiums paid remain level - no escalation